Justin - Life Coach
Since the age of 15, I've been living with a progressive neuromuscular disease (similar to ALS) and I now live life in a wheelchair every day of my life. But just because you have a disability doesn't mean that you can't live a truly, "all in", life!
In fact, I'm proud to have done some pretty remarkable things… I'm a bestselling author, world renowned keynote speaker, and the first person in history to complete the epic 500-mile pilgrimage called the Camino de Santiago in a wheelchair with my best friend, Patrick, at the helm. (There's even a movie about it called I'll Push You if you'd like to check it out.)
Throughout my journeys, I've always loved meeting and working with people with disabilities and their loved ones, hearing their stories, and collaboratively finding creative solutions through challenging times. There's something about it that truly fascinates me and it makes me super happy when my clients achieve results in their lives.
So if you’re ready to go ALL IN on yourself and create the life you’ve always wanted, you’re in the right place.
Just click the "Book Now" button to schedule an initial (no fee) consultation.
Watch Justin’s award winning film “I’ll Push You” by clicking here.