Stephanie - Life Coach

"Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it." ~Brene Brown. 

I have definitely spent time in my past running from my life but thankfully, discovered how much time and energy that took.  As a result, I love to help others realize they can take ownership of the often negative story they are telling themselves. It’s time to get unstuck and replace false self-narratives with the truth, which is this, “You are so much more and can do much more than what you have been telling yourself.”  

 I am a married mother of three and have worked in the mental health field for over 30 years and I will use the lessons learned from all these experiences as we work together. I will be in your corner, using my unique perspective to help make your options, perspectives, and choices clearer.  I am a fairly laid-back person but won’t be afraid to get straight to the point if need be.

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one coaching session, please tap the "Book Now" button to schedule an initial consultation at no cost to you.